Huntington’s and violence

I know Huntington’s Disease come with a ton of symptoms.

I had a rough childhood.

I grew up with domestic violence every day. My dad would beat the crap out of my mom. I remember most of it but my brother and sister don’t because they were so young. He is/was my father, I know he loved us very much. But having all of that in the back of my memory, it’s hard to think of him like my brother and sister think of him.

The question I continue to ask myself….would the Huntington’s Disease have made my father so violent that early? I know that he got the little symptoms really early without any of us knowing. My mom had no idea that Huntington’s Disease was in his family, and she had no idea that he had the gene when she divorced him. She had no idea what was going on. All I know is that she had a court order against him that he wasn’t able to see us because of the violence and abuse.

When my mother found out he was sick, she allowed us to go stay with him at my aunt’s house a state away as much as they would let us (which was twice a year). We saw him as much as we could until he passed.

My uncle says that when their father had HD, he was very violent and they dealt with domestic violence a well.

My horrible anxiety comes from my childhood :/

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